Tsunami, Sea, Wave, Life Cycle, You and Me
By Dan Windisch 082810
D-E-E-P Earthquake,
great depths,
black water,
Water that has not seen the light of day.
The Earth
Hundreds of miles of earth,
Covered by uncaring salty sea,
In sharp jolting Agony,
Left then right.
Gigatons of power
Through plastic,
Black grey, then blue,
With each agonizing, jolting twist, and jolt,
A new wave is born.
I am born, you are born we are born.
Small waves on a giant sea,
A sea already pre-oocupied,
And dancing,
with winds, currents,
The pull of the moon,
And Tides.
Just small waves,
Harldy noticeable,
on a huge sea.
Dan Windisch,
Teacher of Psychology
on a US Navy ship in 1981
watches on a gray, top-heavy-with-radar-and-weapons
US Navy Destroyer,
As sailors in small boats
pick up,
and save,
the lives of
Vietnamese boat people.
Dan is proud of his country,
Proud of the sailors compassion.
He is focusing alternately on the drama,
The compassion,
The wind,
The sea,
and sun shining on the water,
He does not see newborn small waves
Passing under the ship.
Each wave is small,
On the giant deep sea.
Not noticeable
on a deep, deep sea,
Traveling fast.
Me, you, we,
Small on a giant sea.
part of something much much deeper,
Than we and me.
Shore now is in sight
if we,
small waves,
Had eyes to see.
Small waves with great power on a deep sea,
Into rising waves
6 feet high,
Without ears to hear,
towards the shore,
One after another.
Waves crest into a large
“C” shape.
Strong wind caresses
And blows foam and
Droplets into the shape of a powerful horse’s mane
That we can imagine
but that has no Context
to the rising POWERFUL wave.
Top heavy and leaning
Over shallower and shallower waters
The still rising
wave’s top,
Reaching farther than any waves before,
Sweeping everything before it,
The wave thins and stretches past trees and house
And screaming, then silent, people.
Then it stops,
For a moment touching land
not previously felt by sea,
and flows
to the
endless, endless
By Dan Windisch